Unlocking Strategic Brilliance: Advanced Tactics Taught at Our Chess Academy

Chessbrainz Mar 14,2024 - 19:26
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The game of chess is a tough cookie, and therefore, it is not everyone’s cup of tea. It will take several years to develop and master sound strategies to become a good player. Of course, to win big, like league championships, there is a need for more and more practice.

Following are some advanced tactics taught by the regular online chess academy:

Stay calm

Just as Poker players have ‘poker faces’, chess players have to learn to be mentally calm; learning to develop a calm and relaxed composure. Take much care regarding the signals that your face must give to opponents while you make your moves. Thus, having a ‘chess face’ will help you to think better and may even catch your opponent off-guard.

Learn when to trade or keep

This is an excellent advanced chess strategy; learning when to trade can be a tricky play, and it is vital to have proper timing. When you really desire to be a good player, you must know the role of each piece of chess as well as their respective values so that you may not make mistakes while trading them. A chess academy online will provide basic tutorials for novice players when they desire to master the same. It is a good idea to check off these basics from your list for learning.

Make a wise first move

The first move made by you always amounts to be critical as the grounds for a winning strategy of chess is to assume control of the centre square of the chess board in the opening stage. Popular tactics are called d-pawn and e-pawn, prompting a fight to advance the back rank as well as the chess army.

Study basic tactics

Prior to venturing into advanced tactics, make sure that you have a sound awareness of basic tactics like double attacks, discovered attacks, skewers, pins and forks. Become familiar with these basic concepts, as they are the foundation for more advanced strategies.

Solve chess puzzles

Do regular solving of chess puzzles. There are many tactical puzzles available in several apps, books and websites. These will help in the recognition of patterns and sharpen your tactical vision.

Gain mastery over different tactics

There are many combinations available for advanced tactics like intermezzo, overloading and interference. It is good to study such tactics on an individual basis to understand their motifs and patterns.

Understanding middle and opening games

You must hone your understanding of the middle and opening positions of a chess game. Learn to recognise vital positions where tactics often emerge. You will gain a strategic benefit when you know the typical tactical themes in the openings of your choice.

Conduct reviews of master games

It is good to analyse the games of the master players, especially those made of progressive tactical manoeuvres. This can throw open your access to different tactical ideas, as well as help you knows the context in which these were employed.

End-game tactics

It is also not wise to ignore the tactics of the end-game. Realising the latter can be vital for the conversion of benefits or saving a draw by finding resources.

Use resources like chess books

Devote time to read advanced chess books and study materials covering complicated tactics. There are books by famous players of the chess world that often feature insights into advanced tactics of the game.

In sum, mastery of advanced tactics in the game of chess is a mix of continuous learning, practice and knowledge. Take care to regularly practice the game, analyse these, identify scope for improvement and remain devoted to the journey of improving your game.


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