Three Considerations Before Allowing Your Youngster To Play Chess Online

Chessbrainz May 28,2022 - 18:52
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Chess is a pleasant and educational game for children. But why is chess essential for your children? Because chess is a brain-enhancing exercise that improves children's memory, creativity, foresight, and IQ, among other things. The chess home tuitions also enhance your child's complicated decision-making, stress management, and problem-solving skills and teach him or her to sit still and concentrate on one task at a time.

  1. Safety must come first -

Online activities raise safety issues. Chess is comparable. Consequently, the following internet safety tips apply to chess players of all ages: Use a fictitious username instead of your actual name. Hide your personal information, such as where you live, work, and attend school. 

 Parents should also watch their children while they play or study chess online. Parents must prevent their children from exchanging private messages and photographs with online chess opponents. 

  1. Study fundamentals -

I would advise novices to study three topics: fundamental endgame checkmates, opening concepts, and tactics.

 Checkmating with a king and queen versus a king is an example of a simple endgame checkmate. Checkmate is vital to learn because if you have a queen advantage, you should know how to capitalize on it. 

 Every player should understand how to win when facing a queen with a king and queen. 

 The first ten movements should be guided by opening concepts. Controlling the centre of the board, "developing" your knights and bishops – that is, bringing them into action – and casting are among these strategies. 

 Additionally, novices should practice tactics, which are movements that result in quick, concrete rewards. It is simple to discover tactics online. The majority of chess websites provide custom-tailored tactics issues.

  1. Hints for Timers -

In contrast to playing against machines, games with other people are timed (unless you're playing Chess in Lichess when a single move might take up to 14 days). Don't panic; timers may be your ally. As with everything new, they merely need adaptation.

 If you're new to online chess, you should first disregard the timer while you concentrate on the game and hone your abilities. Alternately, practice concentrating on the timer at the cost of the game. 

 How To Boost Your Performance

 While you may now play chess games on your smartphone on the subway, in a Lyft, or while standing in line at the grocery store, I suggest my students take a few deep breaths and, if possible, have a bottle of water on hand before beginning their games. 

 While it's natural to want to win, a more useful aim would be to concentrate on something you want to improve on that day so that regardless of what happens with your opponent, you'll still be successful. Some relevant goals may include:

 Before making your move, pay careful attention to where your opponent has moved.

  • Piece safety!! Before moving, spend some effort ensuring the security of your belongings.
  • As you play, avoid constantly circling your hand around the mouse. This distracts your brain from the critical thinking required to choose your next step, leaving you feeling like a cat chasing a string toy.
  • Avoid releasing your queen too soon.
  • Place your king in safety (learn how to castle here).
  • Promote your knights and bishops early on in the game.

 These were some valuable considerations to keep in mind before allowing youngsters to play chess online and selecting the private chess coaching.

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