Life Lessons from Playing Chess

Chessbrainz May 10,2022 - 23:21
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Chess is an indoor game. It is a board game. All that it includes is a black and white board, two players, and 32 pieces. Yet, the game of chess teaches some of the most profound lessons for life. The game is not just about making moves but a well-thought-out strategy.

The game works just like moves in life. Carefully measured steps lead to success, or a mistake requires us to retract. We can use our grey cells to navigate the blacks and whites of our life. To succeed in life, make moves like trying to learn chess online.

 Following are some of the greatest life lessons one can gain by playing chess:

Use Creativity

For playing the game, you need to use your creativity to plan your moves and execute your strategy. With every move, you need to think up new plans. This applies to life also. Without being creative, you cannot succeed in life.

Create Opportunities On One’s Own

In chess, it is not good to design your strategy, waiting for the opponent to make mistakes. You should not wait for the right opportunity to exhibit your moves as it may not come or may come too late. You must create your own opportunities. This lesson will apply in life also in case of scenarios like entrepreneurship, sports, job appraisals etc.

View The Bigger Picture

Playing chess trains you to always view the bigger picture. You learn to sacrifice your pawns like knights or bishops, knowing that small failures can lead you to ultimate victory. In life, you may hesitate to sacrifice little things for the ultimate good because you don’t get the bigger picture. For instance, losing a job can lead you to achieve bigger things like starting a company on your own. So, the game of chess trains you to make small sacrifices for the overall good.

Threats Are Welcome

Chess is a game where threats loom at every step. But this is the beauty of it- imagine playing without any hindrances, challenges or strategy. It wouldn’t amount to an exciting game. So also, life without threats and challenges becomes dull and monotonous. It is OK to be struck by adverse circumstances as they will make you a better person. It is under pressure that the prowess of the human mind is unleashed.

Learn From Failures

The truth is that most of us dread failure in all aspects of life, even in the game of chess. But there is no game in the world where a player does not lose. So also, for chess. Chess is similar to life in this aspect. It is perfectly OK to lose a game of chess, but it is more important to learn from your mistakes. This applies to life as well. Learn valuable lessons from every setback in life as “we either win or learn”. Chess teacher online will instill this value in every student.

Make Fast Decisions 

The game of chess is played within a time limit. Sometimes, players run out of time and need to make quick decisions. Decisions may be needed within fractions of seconds. You can win if you make the right decision at the right time. Even in our lives, we encounter the need to make quick decisions. You can lead a better life if you make better decisions at the right time.

In sum, these are some of the best life lessons you can learn by playing the game of chess. Even as you move the little pieces or pawns through the white and black squares of the chessboard, you will learn little lessons about life.

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