Be as Skilled as a Six-Sigma Chess Master: Every Tactic Guaranteed to Win

Chessbrainz Jan 10,2023 - 01:51
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"Six Sigma," a phrase borrowed from the field of statistical quality control, describes a quality process that is so reliable that it allows for the production of products with a defect rate of less than 3.4 per million. This defect rate is six sigmas from the mean of a normal distribution. With chess home tuitions, you may observe a distribution that's quite close to typical.

To put it another way, if your score was six standard deviations above or below the mean, you'd be in a really exclusive company. Of course, this applies to both extremes, so read on as the article details the one rule per sigma you need to follow to become a Six Sigma Chess Master.

  • You must rationalize your losses

Tell your opponent you were unwell, fatigued, or preoccupied and couldn't focus on the game, even if he had a three-piece and two-pawn advantage. You can make something seem condescending and snarky if you try. People who are in close proximity to you can hear (or read) the truth about your superiority.

  • Never doubt your first impressions

You won't ever need to learn anything since you're already so much better than everyone else. Only in the fields of mathematics, music, and chess can we find examples of child prodigies. You definitely represent the third group article just mentioned.

  • The riff at the club before you get to USCF 1000

Chess groups are incredible, educational, and fun for hours on end. In all seriousness, one of my favourite things about going to a bar is overhearing the regular trash bash one other. Quick as a game of rapid chess, the insults fly, and the more inventive your trash talk, the higher your social standing. Some of this banter may be rather funny; however, while one believes they have a witty wit, they do not yet partake in such conduct due to their belief that they are not a good enough chess player to warrant such behaviour from others. In any case, don't let it deter you. Put down the people you're competing against.

  • Believe in yourself even when your performance is below average

Many had losses that they knew weren't indicative of their actual skill level. This is not just a universal truth but also a basic human impulse.

  • Use unconventional strategies to throw off your opponent

For instance, when putting a piece en prise and laughing maniacally, you may check your opponent. Then, your opponent will be afraid to risk losing his King by grabbing the piece and will instead relocate his King. If you let your mind wander, this guideline might unleash your inner artist.

  • Mirror your opponent

Even the best chess players may sometimes face an opponent they believe to be much stronger than themselves. If you find yourself in this situation, the best thing to do is to mimic his every action. This may be very helpful in the introduction.

If you follow these guidelines with the assistance of chess classes at home, you will almost certainly move into the top 5% of the bell curve. This is not just useful in chess but in all aspects of your life. So, in chess, as in life, your moves should be deliberate.

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