5 Simple Tips to avoid playing a Bad Move in Chess

Chessbrainz Nov 19,2021 - 18:36
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5 simple tips for Chess Beginners  to avoid playing a bad Chess move

The popularity of Chess, as a professional sport and as a medium to spend quality time, is reaching newer heights since the unfortunate outbreak of pandemic. With most other activities coming to standstill, Chess has piqued the interest of the parents of school kids. Around the world, there has been a huge surge in the demand of Online Chess Coaches, and many professional Chess players have taken to Online Chess coaching as a serious career option.

Most of the children who are enrolling these days in Online Chess classes are new to Chess. This beautiful, brain-stimulating battle game of 32 Chess  pieces played on a 64 squares Chess board, has to be taught to the kids by a Chess trainer in a simple yet interactive way.

We are listing 5 simple tips to be followed by Beginner-level Chess players to avoid making a bad move:

  1. When your opponent makes a move, first look out for the threat of that move. A simple threat can be a Check to your King, or an attack on your 'Hanging' or unguarded piece.
  2. Once you find out the threat, it is your responsibility to save your pieces.
  3. Before you make a move, always look out for the opportunity to capture the opponent's piece and gain a material advantage
  4. Avoid exchanging pieces if you are losing material
  5. Always look out for the safety of your King before making a move
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